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Warmly congratulate Jinglan Advanced Material Co.,Ltd. for introducing talents, Jin Guangyao, to be selected as "Double Creative Talents" in Jiangsu Province in 2021.

Release Date:2021/10/29

        Congratulations to Jinglan Advanced Material Co.,Ltd. for introducing the talented person, Jin Guangyao, to be selected as one of the "Double Creative Talents" in Jiangsu Province in 2021.

        The company's co-founder and general manager, Dr. K.Y. Kim, was the chief scientist of DuPont's Electronic Imaging Division before founding the company, and has accumulated a lot of technical foundation during Dr. Kim's study and work. In the future, the company will serve the society and customers with the most advanced technology and the highest quality products to achieve the goal of "becoming a leading global technology company in the field of new conductive interconnect materials".



Previous:Jin Guangyao of Jinglan Advanced Material Co., Ltd. has been selected as a leading entrepreneurial talent in Wuxi City's "Taihu Talent Plan" for 2021.

Next:Never forget the original intention, hand in hand,Happy Second Anniversary